Thursday, November 5, 2009

Honesty VI

Honesty Part VI

Writing like it’s supposed to be there. Supposed to be thought, said, read. What for? I can’t explain myself when I’m dead. Take me out of context. Think it was for a contest. View me as a wacko who’s thoughts congested his brain till he burst. I’m not cursed. Not crazy. But been hurt and lazy. Been happy. Been sad. You know the usual one with the other, tit for tat. What ever the fuck they ment by that, What makes bad words bad? What makes some women nag? What makes some kids lose dads? What makes you ask questions when you should just sit there glad that your even here at all. Sit and hope from grace you don’t fall. Grace being life. Fall being the end of it. Kind of negative. But it’s ok. Somewhere right now a couple is making a baby they won’t take care of. Life springs eternal. Or so they say. They being someone else that really had nothing to do that day then to think of some stupid shit that millions will eventually adopt and obey. Cause philosophies come so cheap. On a magnet, calendar, or the bible at your feet. Read, think, repeat. But don’t think so hard that you disagree. Cause then you might actually have a valid opinion and maybe for once see that if you actually use the brain you were born with you might be able to finally truly be happy. No fake smiles and fortune cookie philosophy. But don’t promise me, cause I don’t care one way or the other. What’s yours got to do with mine? No time to see what you think I need to. I don’t mean to, but it’s late and I really don’t need you.   

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